
With a focus on personalized care plans and the goal of maintaining the highest possible quality of life of our patients, Sunshine has been proud to “care with compassion” since 2004. Over the last 20+ years, we’ve gained a great understanding on the importance in-home nursing can play in physical and mental improvements. From companionship and medical assistance to just being able to stay within their own home, our reliable and skilled nursing solutions aim to make the biggest impact in the lives of children and seniors alike.
At Sunshine Homecare Services, our nurses are licensed and skilled in geriatrics, adult and pediatric care. Sunshine Homecare’s nurses are licensed and skilled in geriatrics, adult and pediatric care. The nurses commence a client’s service with a visit to observe the patient, make an assessment of the patient’s needs, and prepare a Plan of Care. The home health care services provided by Sunshine’s Registered Nurses (RNs) include post-op, ventilator and wound care, IV and Nutritional Support Therapy, tube feeding, tracheostomy, and pain and medication management. In addition to senior home care, Sunshine’s nurses serve patients with many medical conditions and other special needs.
For more information about our range of part-time, full-time, and 24-hour skilled nursing services, we encourage you to contact us and schedule a complimentary in-home consultation with a member of our team

Benefits of Senior Home Care in Manhattan & Westchester, NY
Keep Some Independence: Senior home care allows your loved one to remain independent in certain aspects of their lives. Senior home care allows nurses to come and care for seniors in their homes, so they don’t have to live in a nursing home. Having your own home makes you feel independent as it is, but being able to still do things around town and in your home definitely does as well.
Stay Connected to Loved Ones: Many nursing homes and facilities have limited visiting hours and can vary daily. Hiring a senior home care nurse means that your loved one can still live in their home and have visitors whenever they want to.
Personalized Care: Nurses at nursing homes and care facilities have an array of patients they have to care for while they are working. This can sometimes mean a patient will not receive the specialized care they need or it will not be provided in as timely a manner as it should be. Senior home care nurses are hired to care for your loved one only during the specific time they are at their home. This means personalized care plans will be made and followed diligently.

24/7 Nursing
Sunshine has experienced RNs and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) who serve clients with chronic or acute illness or those recovering from an injury or surgery at home 24 hours a day, seven days a week, on a full-time or part-time schedule.
Sunshine’s live-in caregivers can help clients and family members manage and deal with illnesses, offer options, and make easy connections to additional services such as geriatric care managers, social workers, and other skilled professionals. Staff members are also in contact with doctors to carry out medical care plans and help with questions and special needs as they arise. To learn more about our skilled nursing services or to get started with a free in-home consultation, we welcome you to contact us today. Our team of home health aides are proud to serve and support those throughout Westchester, Manhattan, NY, all of Rockland County, and the surrounding communities.

Visiting Nurse Services
Sunshine’s RNs and LPNs are also available to make regular house calls. The skilled visiting nurse services offered are:
- Observation and Assessment
- Senior Care at Home
- Care for Parkinson’s Disease
- Care for Alzheimer’s Disease
- Post-Operative Support for patients who have had Orthopedic, Cardiac, Bariatric, or Plastic Surgery, as well as other medical procedures
- Ventilator Care
- Wound Care
- IV and Nutritional Support Therapy (including TPN and Antibiotics IVIG)
- Asthma Care
- Diabetes Management
- Pain & Medication Management
- Homecare for Children
- Respite Care to Relieve Family Members
- Palliative Care at Home
- In-home Nursing for Special Needs

Pediatric Care
Sunshine Homecare provides specialized pediatric Homecare serving patients from infancy to late adolescence with acute and chronic medical conditions.
A child with special needs is one who requires some form of special pediatric care due to physical, mental, emotional or health reasons. Sunshine recognizes that each child is unique and no single approach to caring for children with disabilities can be applied to all children, or even to those with the same disability. Sunshine understands families in need and provides guidance based on their specific requirements.
Children and young adults with special pediatric health care needs might have a serious or chronic disorder that triggers a physical, behavioral or emotional condition or causes an intellectual or developmental disability. Some examples of such conditions are:
- Cerebral palsy
- Muscular dystrophy
- Asthma/Respiratory Disorders
- Sickle cell anemia
- Diabetes
- Heart conditions
- Depression
- Mental Retardation / Developmental Disability
- Autism
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
- Seizure Disorder
- Gastrointestinal disorders
Sunshine’s pediatric home health care is formulated to allow the child to grow and thrive in the home environment while providing compassionate, personalized, and skilled services including:
- Tracheostomy therapy and care
- Wound care
- Glucose monitoring / Diabetic Care
- Tube feeding
- Personal care (assist, bed bath, tub bath, shower, etc.)
- Medication administration and monitoring
- Assessment and Client Progress
- Case management
- Rehabilitation
- Nursing support

Post-Operative Care
Post-operative clients often need very specific kinds of care at home. Sunshine Homecare’s in-home nurses and certified home health aides support comfortable and safe healing with expertise and compassion.
Many post-operative patients can benefit from care at home, especially for those who have just had the following:
- Cardiac Surgery
- Bariatric Surgery
- Hip Replacement
- Knee Replacement
- Other Foot and Leg Surgeries
- Spinal Surgery
- Eye Surgery
- Breast Augmentation or Reduction
- Tummy Tucks
- Facial Plastic Surgeries
Post-operative care at home is available either from the moment of release or beginning when the client returns home. At your request, Sunshine Homecare clinicians are available to meet the client at the surgical center or hospital. Full-time professional nursing services, part-time visiting nurses or full- or part-time home health aides will provide care at home to meet individual needs, for as long as required.

Special Needs
Sunshine Homecare provides expert professional nursing services and compassionate, skilled home health aides to adult, pediatric, and senior clients with in-home medical care needs. Sunshine also provides hospice and palliative care. Sunshine’s skilled nurses and certified home health aides serve individuals with:
- Addison’s Disease
- Congestive Heart Failure
- Colostomy Care
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Huntington’s Disease
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Muscular Dystrophy
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Respiratory Illnesses including COPD and Emphysema

Alzheimer’s Homecare
Many of Sunshine’s elder Homecare clients have Alzheimer’s disease. Sunshine Homecare’s nurses and administrators have the expertise, compassion, and insight in supervising their care at home. Family members may live close by but often they live far from the elder Homecare client, and their worries can be overwhelming.
Sunshine Homecare’s staff has extensive experience in helping family members cope with immediate care needs and changing requirements. Home health aides and visiting nurses who work with Alzheimer’s clients are dedicated to providing the highest standard of care at home.
As a family member or close friend of an elder it is important to recognize the early signs of this condition. According to medical experts, common early signs of Alzheimer’s disease include new symptoms of memory loss, repeating the same question, difficulty finding words, personality changes, poor sense of direction, disorientation and confusion, and, changes in hygiene. Having these symptoms does not necessarily mean your loved one has this disease. However, if you think your loved one is beginning with Alzheimer’s, it’s best to schedule a visit with a family doctor or neurologist.
Alzheimer’s disease progresses very differently from person to person. No treatment so far stops Alzheimer’s. However, for some in the disease’s early and middle stages, certain drugs may be helpful. Ask your doctor for more details.

Senior/ Elder Home Health Care
"We provide care at home to clients in both New York and New Jersey in a holistic, comprehensive way. It’s always a collaboration between our staff, the doctor, the client, and the family to formulate an individualized plan for each client, no matter what type and degree of support the client needs.”
- Kathleen Gore, Registered Nurse, Sunshine Homecare
When seeking Senior/Elder Homecare, your level of stress can be overwhelming. You must meet your loved one’s requirements for daily living and their medical needs. You also want to provide care for psychological, emotional, and even spiritual well-being.
Whether a client needs professional nursing services, a part-time visiting nurse, a home health aide or home companion, Sunshine Homecare’s experienced staff understands that it is extremely important to assess and care for the client as a whole individual. The quality of life and well-being are always part of the care plan, along with requirements of daily living and medical needs.
For family members who live close by, and for those who live far from loved ones, supervision of staff, frequent communication and updates, support whenever it is needed, and trust are paramount in senior elder care at home. These are all essential components of Sunshine Homecare services.